Sunday, February 27, 2011

Avoiding Cellulite Development during Pregnancy

Cellulite is a pregnant woman’s nightmare. These are unsightly fatty tissues seen mostly in the belly and are hard to get rid of. This happens when the skin is being stretched as the baby grows and when the mother gains weight.

To prevent cellulite development, one must maintain a regular exercise, particularly cardio and strengthening exercises. This is a great motivation for pregnant women. Just think of how these cellulite's will look like after pregnancy and you’ll be good to go. If you can control your weight gain during pregnancy, then you have a better chance of reducing cellulite's.

Some people believe that rubbing apple cider vinegar in the cellulite gives great results. Another thing to consider is reducing the consumption of carbohydrates per day. Carbohydrates are one of the fastest to be converted to body fat. Your diet should include proteins, fruits and vegetables. These also help in improving the skin appearance.

If you’re one of those women who are very careful with your weight, then cellulite development might not be an issue for you.

Try target training exercises as well. Perform exercises that target your thighs, hips, buttocks, and stomach. These are the parts which are more prone to weight gain, and have a likely chance of developing cellulite's.

Here are some of the suggested exercises for each body part in case you’d like to try it: Hip Exercises include Step-Ups, Walking Half Lunges, Walking Knee Highs, and Side Lunges. For Thigh Exercises you can try Lunges, Bodyweight Squats, Side Lunges and Step – Ups. Butt Exercises include Lunges, Step-Ups, Bodyweight Squats and Walking Half Lunges. For Stomach Exercises, these are lying leg raises with an exercise ball, Walking Knee Highs, Hanging Leg Raise and Crunches on an Exercise Ball.

Some of these tips might be hard to do, but think about how these cellulite's will look like post pregnancy. Either control your weight gain or deal with the consequences later.

To know more about health, exercise and other pregnancy fitness tips, you can order your own copy of Trim Pregnancy e Book online, and take advantage of the great benefits you can get from the information provided by this eBook.

Get More Info on Avoiding Cellulite During Pregnancy here.

Weight Gain during Pregnancy

After giving birth, the most common complaint from women is on how much weight they’ve gained. Some women even go through depression, thinking that they’ll never get their old figure back.

Pregnant women will notice an increase in appetite; this is a sign that the body needs more calories to support the baby. This will in turn cause a weight gain in the body, while some calories are being used by the baby. Other excess calories become body fat and added breast tissue.

However, increase in appetite should not be used as an excuse to eat too much. Pregnant women are only required to eat additional 100 to 300 calories in their diet. Some women use the “eating for two” excuse to get away in consuming 500 and more calories per day. Consuming more calories than required will be turned into body fat.

Another thing that women will notice after pregnancy is the sagging of the breasts. This happens when you gain a lot of weight and lose it after pregnancy. Most women are conscious in this area of the body.

There are some women who eat healthy but eat more than desired, and then this will still make them gain more weight. Whether healthy food or not, excess food still causes more body fat.

When a pregnant woman consumes food excessively, weight gain starts to show in different areas of the body. Not just in the “pregnancy hot spots”.

To avoid unwanted body weight gain, the most important thing is to ensure a proper diet. There are some nutrients that the mother should consume during pregnancy; there are also some foods that a mother should be avoiding to keep the baby healthy and safe.

Once weight gain has been noticed, try to take control of the situation and balance your diet right away.

To know more about health, exercise and other pregnancy tips, you can order your own copy of Trim Pregnancy e Book online, and take advantage of the great benefits you can get from the information provided by this eBook.

Calorie Intake, Dieting and Pregnancy

Some women may think that it’s ok to eat a lot of food as long as they do exercises after to burn the calories. There are also those who think that skipping a meal right now, gives you the right to eat a lot after.

Exercises do help in burning the calories, but it’s better to eat what is needed by the body and still be active. Most pregnant women who are fairly active have a higher chance of maintaining their body weight at 15 calories per pound.

During the first few months of pregnancy, women only need about 20 to 30 calories per day to support the baby. Anymore than that and it turns into body fat. In the second trimester, they will then need about 100 to 200 calories and 300 calories per day in the final trimester. In the final stages of the pregnancy more calories and energy will be required.

Consuming too much calories causes weight gain, but consuming too few calories is more dangerous than consuming too much. During pregnancy women should not try to lose weight. This could injure the developing baby and might cause a miscarriage.

If ever you’re planning to get pregnant, it’s better to be at your desired weight. But if you weren’t expecting to get pregnant and you feel like losing some weight, it’s better to do this after the baby has been born.

If you plan on getting pregnant but you’re a little overweight, you might want to lose a little weight before conceiving. There are more benefits for both the mother and baby when the mother is healthy during pregnancy. It will be easier for the mother to give birth, and the baby will be healthy. Always remember though that dieting is not an option and should be avoided. Try to eat in smaller portions and consume only what you need.

To know more about health, exercise and other pregnancy fitness tips, you can order your own copy of Trim Pregnancy e Book online, and take advantage of the great benefits you can get from the information provided by this eBook.

Keys to Staying Fit during Pregnancy

Pregnancy, one of the best news a mother could receive. It could also be one of the worst, especially if it’s one of the reasons of her unwanted weight gain.

A mother would do anything to keep her baby healthy. It would be best for both mother and baby to have a balanced diet, regular exercise, and positive thinking. If the mother is healthy, it would be easier for her to give birth.

During pregnancy, the mother should watch what she eats. This may have a negative effect for the baby. Either the baby will be born with gestational diabetes or the baby is too large that the mother will have a hard time in giving birth.

Most women use the excuse that they are “eating for two” and disregard the fact that they are eating more calories than they should be. Consuming 100 to 300 calories more than needed automatically turns into body fat.

Here are some of the foods that you need to avoid during pregnancy: alcohol, coffee and caffeine, unpasteurized cheese and milk, raw eggs, raw and undercooked meat, and processed meats.

Pregnant women are also advised to have a regular exercise. However, some people think that exercise is bad for pregnant women. Having a regular exercise has a lot of benefits. It eliminates back pains and constipation, reduces stress, better sleep, serves as a preparation for birth and helps you regain your pre pregnancy body faster.

Going through a lot changes in 9 months is a lot and pregnant women are advised to keep a positive attitude. Having an environment of supportive people is important. They should be able to help take care of you and make you feel good about yourself.

Some of the best things to do to keep a positive mindset are to keep a daily journal, this way you can write about the things that stress you out. You can also practice Yoga to help you relax and release the negative energy.

Remember, the keys to a happy and healthy and pregnancy is balanced diet, regular exercise and a positive mindset.

To know more about health, exercise and other pregnancy tips, you can order your own copy of Trim Pregnancy e Book online, and take advantage of the great benefits you can get from the information provided by this eBook.